Lesson n°3 – 7th of December 2022
English course by Ex Prof. Maurizio Righi
Topic of the lesson: Revision/brush up our previous lesson before going on
Nice to meet you = Piacere di conoscerla | Nice to see you = Che bello vederti |
Secondo me: Used only according to a credible source Eg: according to the Newyork Time/To Sky News.. Speaking: 1. Silke: I believe this winter is going to be very cold 2. Mariangela: In my opinion winter is better than Summer. 3. Mario: From my point of view I think today it’s very sunny but cold. I prefer Summer for its long and warm days, 4. Alessandro: From my prospective this lesson is much more useful than the previous ones.* 5. Angela Gallo: The way I see is that the school door is now closed, 6. Angela Giustarini: I think these lessons might be very useful for us. 7. Lucia I believe in freedom. 8. Gabriella: In my opinion this is a difficult period for me. 9. Simona: I think i am one of the best grandmothers in Volterra! 10. Antonella: from my point of view this lesson is quite difficult! 11. Stefania: the way I see it is that this school is too big. 12. Maria Grazia: I believe I have the opportunity to learn English quite well. | I think I believe In my opinion From my prospective From my point of view The way I see is.. Note 1:uncle- auntniece/nephew granfather/ grandmothergrandson/ grandaughter Note2 :He is as tall as you are He is taller than you are He is more important than you are. He is less important than you are. He is the tallest. He is the most important student in this class. |
Quando il gioco si fa duro e i duri cominciano a giocare | When the going gets tough, the tough get going= |
Prendere le difese di qualcuno/dire la verità.. 1 backs someone up 2 take side with someone Pair work:I’ve decidee to take side with /support/champion/stand by—-/help/to be with/stick up for/take the side of/to be on the side of/ you Listen: Skylar Grey – Stand By Me (Official)(2.27) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2bcUxUOUQg More difficult words in the text: tumble=cade/rotola crumble= si sbriciola/sgretola shed a tear = versare una lacrima | Stand by Me | Prince Harry and Meghan Markle exchange vows – The Royal Wedding – BBC (8.16) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZcQhZHr354 That is probably the most beautiful version of Stand by Me STAND BY ME. (Ultimate Mix, 2020) – John Lennon (official music video HD) (3.32) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqB8Dm65X18 Stand By Me | The Buzztones | (Ben E King A Cappella Cover)(2.48) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQ3VtEDdM5k Listen and sing: Stand by me – Ben E. King (Acoustic karaoke) (3.14) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpl0bWMigRE |
To avoid VERY use: Extremely interesting, important Incredibly interesting tremendously useful particularly useful dead good https://www.wordreference.com/enit/dead ottimo really good amazing film terrific film stupendo grande esagerato splendid film awesome film bellissimo eccezionale outstanding film eccezionale Terribly sorry Insanely jalous | Stop saying “VERY” in IELTS Speaking: Build your Vocabulary.from .3.15. to 4.46 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErXWy50FgXY STOP saying “VERY”Listen and write: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/NyaWxm_2TNc Instead of very say: Very scared/ Petrified Very confused/perplexed Very loud/deafening Very calm/serene Very intelligent/brilliant very slow/sluggigh Very shining/gleaming very serious/grave |