1a, 2a e 3a Lezione

Corso PET 2018/19 🇬🇧 📚

8/11/2018 e 15/11/2018
Lesson 1/ 2 and 3
Programma svolto nelle prime 2 lezioni del corso pomeridiano di inglese: Presidente Ex Prof. Maurizio Righi
• Felicity O’Dell “Total Pet” Student’s book”, Black Cat.
• Felicity O’Dell “Total Pet “Vocabulary Maximizer” , Black Cat.

Student’s book”:
Pag 8 es 2 + Reading pag 9 —-“A Day in the Life of Brian Turner”
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You’ll often eat breakfast with your friends or family and there’s nothing like a good conversation while you’re enjoying your breakfast. In this lesson we will see many English words and phrases that you can use to talk about breakfast. Practice these phrases and build up your breakfast vocabulary.
(Time 3.48)

Greetings : (Time 1.07)

Nice to see/meet you: (Time 1.59)

How do you do/ How do you do
TASK: Paola meets Mariangela an old friend of hers. She expresses surprise, greets her…but Mariangela had an accident last month so she doesn’t remember about the old times and friends so Mariangela asks paola who she is . Paola looks very surprised but introduces herself and tells Mariangela about thei friendship. Mariangela seems to remember so thanks Paola and gives her a big hug.

Have You Got a Sunshine Smile, Laugh, Ha Ha Ha | Preschool Cartoon Animation Children Songs Rhymes

ABC Song | ABCD Alphabet Songs | ABC Songs for Children – 3D ABC Nursery Rhymes

Lesson 1 SPELLING WORDS [Elementary School]

Introduce Yourself/ people : (Time 2.21)

Seasons + months of the year: (Time 4.18)

Vocabulary: Here we go/ freezing cold/fall/down

Days of the week: (Time 2.08)

Song: Blowing in the wind. (Time 2.37) + (Time 2.52)

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