Corso PET 2018/19 🇬🇧 📚
Ex Prof. Maurizio Righi
• Felicity O’Dell “Total Pet” Student’s book”, Black Cat.
• Felicity O’Dell “Total Pet “Vocabulary Maximizer” , Black Cat.
Lesson 15
Unit 1: Daily life English – Daily routine (A1-A2 – with subtitles)
Look at the clip and compare the Italian and English daily routines.
Student’s book: pag 14 ex 9 + 10.
Look for (cercare) /look after (badare)
Parents (genitori) and relatives (parenti) .
Speaking pag 15: survey/interview people: What are you doing this evening?
3 go to the gym; 2 watch TV; 1 goes to bed/ pizza time for 1; 1 goes to the hospital; 1 goes to the COOP.
To have a nap (fare un sonnellino) :…/inglese-italiano/have+a+nap
Daily Routines: English Language
Unit 2: “People” pag 12 (Family/ Parents/ relatives)Talking About Your Family – Video LessonIn this lesson, you can learn how to talk about your family in English. Do you have a big family? What do you like doing when you spend time with your family? Talking about your family can be a good way to start a conversation in English, so it’s useful if you know what to say and have some questions to ask.
1. There are X people in my family. I have…sisters/brothers/uncles/ aunts/grandparents/ parents/.There are 4 people in my family: my wife, sons and myself.
2. Talking about brothers and sisters.
3. Talking about your immediate/extended family. Immediate family: you + husband/wife + children + parents + brothers/sisters. Extended family: Aunts/uncles, cousins, nephews/nieces nipoti maschio e femmina di zii), grandparents, grandchildren (nipoti di nonni).
4. Talking about your chil/son..I have….old/eldest- younger. To get used to ( abituarsi) find out(scoprire).
5. Talking about your relationship with your family. How ofte do you see your son….? What do you like to do together?…to be close( essere intimo). Overseas (oltremare)
6. Making a longer answer. Should be able to= dovresti poter../ sample answers (risposte campione). Noisy/fun. I hope/ hopefully.
• Homework:
TASK: What about you? Try to make a longer answer talking about your family. Use the vocabulary and ideas from the lesson to help you.
Lyrics~Stand By Me-Ben E. King
Stand By Me – John Lennon