6a Lezione (revision lesson)

Corso PET Presidente Ex Prof. Maurizio Righi

Tuesday 07/11/2017
Lesson 6
REVISION lesson 1+2+3+4+5:

• Brain storming cues (hints/suggestions)———-pair work
Self introduction.
I’m ……….from……..I’m ……..years old.

I was born in….



I got (took) my high school diploma at the …..…. / I got my university degree at the University of ……
• Arts, Geography, history,languages, literature, phylosophy, social sciences, economics, law, political science, psychology, sociology, biology, chemistry, earth and space sciences, mathematics, physic, religion, agricultural sciences, computer science, engineering and technology, music, medicine, health sciences, nursing…
• http://www.tut.ac.za/Prospect…/2015/faculties/courselist.htm
JOB/OCCUPATION * (I’m between jobs)
• Accountant= Ragioniere, Managers Sales Agent, Mechanic, Pilot, Architect, Bank Teller/cashier at a bank, Bàrtender, engineer, Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks( revisore dei conti), Brick Mason, Budget Analyst- analista di bilancio, Cashier, Chef, waiter, Technician, Childcare Worker, Computer Programmer, Consultant= consulente, Cook, Representative, Dentist, Director, Nutritionist, Doctor, Editor, Electrician, teacher, designer, firefighter, Funeral Director, judge, Glazier = vetraio, writer, poet, painter, Graphic Designer, Hairdressers, Hairstylists, and Cosmetologists, Housekeeper= governante, Interpreter and Translator, janitor, lawyer, librarian, nurse, Model ,Therapist, Pharmacist, Photographer, Plumber, Police Officer, Postal Service Worker, Receptionist, Roofer = a person who repears roofs, Secretary, Taxi Driver, Waiter/Waitress, Web Developer

SIBLINGS ( brothers or sisters)-

MARITAL STATUS Married/single

Son/daughter/ twins
 abusive violento/igiurioso
 active dynamic partecipe
 adventurous audace coraggioso
 affectionate caloroso
 aggressive violento aggressivo
 ambitious ambizioso ardito
 annoying fastidioso, irritante, snervante
 anxious apprensivo timoroso
 artistic creativo, con vena artistica
 bossy autoritario, dispotico
 brave coraggioso
 calm tranquillo, rilassato.
 cautious cauto, attento
 charming affascinante, seducente
 cheerful allegro, spensierato.
 compulsive abitudinario, compulsivo, ( compulsive gambler = giocatore d’azzardo incallito/ compulsive eating= alimentazione compulsiva…
 confident – sicuro di sè
 conservative moderato, prudente, conservatore
 courageous coraggioso, impavido
 cowardly vigliacco, vile, pavido.
 creative creativo
 cruel spietato, crudele
 cynical cinico, scettico ( sceptical, doubting)
 decisive deciso, determinato
 determined caparbio, deciso, risoluto.
 direct diretto, esplicito
 domineering prepotente autoritario dispotico
 easygoing alla mano, accomodante
 emotional emotivo
 enthusiastic appassionato, entusiasta

HOBBIES ( What do you enjoy doing in your free time?)
Sleeping is not a hobby.

Revision lesson 1

Unit 1
Daily life
Introduce yourself and people.
Days of the week
Breakfast food.
Verbs of daily life: spend/finish/eat/ walk/ leave/ take /go/stay//invite/visit/give

Present Simple – The Daily Routine of the Queen

Aliaume Damala Badara Akon Thiam (born April 16, 1973), better known as Akon (/ˈeɪkɒn/), is an American-born Senegalese singer, songwriter, businessman, record producer and actor. He rose to prominence in 2004 following the release of “Locked Up”, the first single from his debut album Trouble.
I Just Had Sex (feat. Akon)

Revision lesson 2

Difference between Great Britain and United Kingdom.

Phrasal verbs:
look at/for/after….
get in/out, down, up ….
People in the family:
Parents and Relatives
Country, nationality,language.
Where are you from? I’m from Italy, I’m Italian , I speak Italian .
Where was he from? Greece.
What about his nationality? Greek.
Present continuous.
Practice the Present Continuous with scenes from TV shows

What is the Pink Panther doing? Present Continuous
To be:
Present and past.

Revision lesson 3

Hobbies and Leasures
Sport, painting, drama and music.
Keen on, fond of & fan of


What Do You Like Doing? Treehouse Book3 Unit10 Track66 Song

Revision lesson 4

Studying English can be a bit boring sometimes, so why not add some fun into your learning! This short video will introduce you to a segment of a popular movie, and give you an opportunity to learn new words, phrases, and expressions of the English language. Go to my channel for similar movie based lessons!
Learn/Practice English with MOVIES (Lesson #1)

Learn/Practice English with MOVIES (Lesson #1)
A Song:
Queen – We Are The Champions Letra En Ingles HD (720 p)

Revision lesson 5

Household chores (learn English with pie)


Lesson 5—Revise:
Learn/Practice English with MOVIES (Lesson #2)

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