Lesson 1

14th November 2023

English course by Ex Prof. Maurizio Righi – ITCG Niccolini Volterra

Meeting with the students =(incontro con gli studenti).

Enrolling = (iscrizione).

Warm up activity = (attività di riscaldamento):

General conversation on different topics = (conversazione generale su vari argomenti).

Pre-intermediateA23.5 – 4.0
IntermediateB14.5 – 5.0
Upper mediateB25.5 – 6.0
Advanced      C16.5 – 7.0

Activity/Task N1:

Translate into Italian:

 Break  a  leg  
 Mum’s the word  
 Go cold turkey  
Jump the gun  
 Hit the sack /hay  
 Can’t say for certain  
Rest assured  
 You’ve got nerve  
 We kicked the hornet’s nest  
 Get the wrong end of the stick  
 It’s raining cats and dogs  
 It’s not my cup of tea 
 Get your ducks in a row  
 Feeling under the weather  
 Touch on wood  

Pronounce these words:

Castle  https://www.wordreference.com/enit/castle
Buffet https://www.wordreference.com/enit/Buffet 
Soften https://www.wordreference.com/enit/Soften 
Ballet https://www.wordreference.com/enit/Ballet 
I don’t care 
I  don’t mind 
It doesn’t matter 
Me ne infischio 
It’s OK/ I have no preference/It’s not important Non fa niente, non importa


Break  a legIn bocca al lupo 
Mum’s the word Acqua in bocca/Non dire  niente
Go cold turkey Interrompere all’ improvviso/ smettere  
 Jump the gun agire troppo presto senza pensare
 Hit the sack /hay andare a letto/ coricarsi
 Can’t say for certain non lo so con certezza
 Rest assured stai tranquillo
 You’ve got nerve hai una bella faccia tosta
 We kicked the hornet’s nest abbiamo sollevato un vespaio
 Get the wrong end of the stick  Fraintendere/Prendere fischi per fiaschi”.
 It’s raining cats and dogs  Piove a catinelle
 It’s not my cup of teaqualcosa non mi  interessa Non mi va a genio
 Get your ducks in a rowMettere tutto sotto controllo/ in ordine
 Feeling under the weatherAvere un malessere fisico Sentirsi male/ “Essere giù di corda”.
Touch on wood toccaferro

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