Lesson n°4 – 14th of December 2022
English course by Ex Prof. Maurizio Righi
Wham! – Last Christmas (Lyrics)(4.23)
Tears= lacrime
someone= qualcuno
Once bitten twice shy= gatto scottato teme l’acqua fredda.
Catch= acchiappare
Wrapped up= avvolto/impacchettato
I meant it= intendevo/ dicevo sul serio
Fool= pazzo
Crowded room= stanza affollata
Tired= stanchi
To Hide/hidden = nascondere/nascondersi
I’m hiding*
Maurizio: I don’t like playing Hide and seek.
Mariangela: I never hide my opinions because I like to be spontaneous.
Maria Grazia: I often hide my true self.
Alessandro: Don’t hide your personality to me.
Mario: I don’t hide my opinion to people.
Angela: Years ago in the States I hid all the presents/gifts to my son.
Stefania: When discussing with my friends about some topics I don’t like hiding my ideas.
Silke: My dog always hides bones behind the stove!
Soul= anima
Rely on = contare/fare affidamento su
Shoulder= spalla
Tore (to tear/tore/torn) = distruggesti/strappasti https://www.wordreference.com/enit/tear
A man under cover = un uomo senza copertura
Wham! – Last Christmas (Official Video)(4.38)
Wham! – Last Christmas (Single Edit) (Karaoke Version)(4.53)
Exercise: I’d rather fall asleep than fall in love *
Maurizio: I’d rather speak French than English.
Mariangela: read-walk
Maria Grazia: eat cakes-salad
Alex: study English-Greek
Mario: be happy-sad
Angela: visit foreign countries-cold mountains
Stefania: work in the countryside-in an office in a town
Silke: go to the seaside-to the mountains
Revision/ brush up Lesson3 before going on:
Nice to meet you = Piacere di conoscerla | Nice to see you= Che bello vederti |
Secondo me. Used only according to a credible source Eg: according to the Newyork Time/To Sky News.. Speaking:Silke: I believe this winter is going to be very cold Mariangela: In my opinion winter is better than Summer. Mario: From my point of view I think today it’s very sunny but cold. I prefer Summer for its long and warm days Alessandro: From my prospective/ point of view this lesson is much more useful than the previous ones.* Angela Gallo: The way I see is that the school door is now closed, Angela Giustarini: I think these lessons might be very useful for us. Lucia: I believe in freedom. Gabriella: In my opinion this is a difficult period for me. Simona: I think I am one of the best grandmothers in Volterra! Antonella: from my point of view this lesson is quite difficult! Stefania: the way I see it is that this school is too big. Maria Grazia: I believe I have the opportunity to learn English quite well. Kamrad – I Believe (Lyrics) (2.28)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuhgEd1zqGM Blow my mind Blow my mind Blow my mind now Take me high Take me high Spin me right ‘round Don’t know why Don’t know why It’s burning me out I won’t get it right Stay at home all night Out of sight Out of sight I’m hiding* right now You’re dynamite Dynamite Yeah, I got no doubt Way too tight Way too tight I need a time-out I can’t get it right Stay at home all night I believe I’d rather fall asleep than fall in love * And I believe That someone in my bed is not enough And I believe I’d rather fall asleep than fall in love And I believe It’s only in my head, yeah I believe I’d rather fall asleep than fall in love And I believe That someone in my bed is not enough And I believe I’d rather fall asleep than fall in love And I believe It’s only in my head, yeah Blow my mind Blow my mind Blow my mind now Every night Every night I’m on my way down You’re so high You’re so high My feet on the ground I can’t get it right All alone tonight It’s been too long I’m out of time I’ll leave you high and dry It feels so wrong You felt so right Fell out of love tonight I believe I’d rather fall asleep than fall in love And I believe It’s only in my head, yeah I believe I’d rather fall asleep than fall in love And I believe That someone in my bed is not enough And I believe I’d rather fall asleep than fall in love And I believe It’s only in my head, yeah Badadam, ah Badadam, badadam Badadam, ah Badadam, badadam Badadam, ah Badadam, badadam Badadam, ah Badadam, badadam I believe I’d rather fall asleep than fall in love And I believe That someone in my bed is not enough KAMRAD – I Believe (Live @ 1live Krone)(2.32)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkTaPX8jYfU | I think I believe In my opinion From my prospective From my point of view The way I see is.. Note:uncle- auntniece/nephew granfather/ grandmothergrandson/ grandaughter Grammar Notes: He is as tall as you are He is taller than you are He is more important than you are. He is less important than you are. He is the tallest. He is the most important student in this class. KAMRAD – I Believe (Official Video)(2.31)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kCxFFACZxYMi fai impazzire/ mi mandi fuor di testa/ mi fai impazzire Mi fai impazzire mi fai impazzire (hai rivoluzionato la mia vita) ora Portami in alto Portami in alto Fammi rigirare bene Non so perché Non so perché Mi sta bruciando il cuore/mi viene l’esaurimento nervoso Non riesco a farlo bene Restare casa tutta la notteLontano dagli occhi Lontano dagli occhi Mi sto nascondendo adesso Sei dinamite Dinamite Sì, non ho dubbi (mi sento) Stretto troppo Troppo stretto Ho bisogno di una pausa Non ci riescoRestare a casa tutta la notte Credo Preferisco addormentarmi che innamorarmi E credo Che qualcuno nel mio letto non sia abbastanza E credo Preferisco addormentarmi che innamorarmi E credo È solo nella mia testa, sì Credo Preferisco addormentarmi che innamorarmi E credo Che qualcuno nel mio letto non sia abbastanza E credo Preferisco addormentarmi che innamorarmi E credo È solo nella mia testa, sìMi mandi fuor di testa/ mi fai impazzire Mi fai impazzire https://context.reverso.net/traduzione/inglese-italiano/Blow+my+mind+now Ogni notte Ogni notte sono sulla mia strada verso il basso Sei così in alto/ fuori dalla mia portata Sei così in alto( fuori) I miei piedi per terra Non riesco a farlo bene( non ci riesco) Tutto solo stasera È troppo tempo che sono fuori dal tempo/ E’ finito il tempo Ti lascerò alto e asciutto( ti pianterò in asso) Sembra così sbagliato ( mi sento molto a disagio) Ti sei sentita così giusta ( ti sei sentita così bene) Mi sono disinnamorato stasera Credo Preferisco addormentarmi che innamorarmi E credo È solo nella mia testa, sì Credo Preferisco addormentarmi che innamorarmi E credo Che qualcuno nel mio letto non sia abbastanza E credo Preferisco addormentarmi che innamorarmi E credo È solo nella mia testa, sìBadadam, ah Badadam, badadam Badadam, ah Badadam, badadam Badadam, ah Badadam, badadam Badadam, ahBadadam, badadam Credo Preferisco addormentarmi che innamorarmi E credo Che qualcuno nel mio letto non sia abbastanza KAMRAD – I Believe (Official Lyric Video)(2.27)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyZtmR02acA |
Boyzone – When the Going Gets Tough(3.40)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9Bo19m0Zzk Boyzone – When The Going Gets Tough (The Prince’s Trust Party In The Park 1999)( 4.13) Boyzone performing in front of more than 100,000 people at The Prince’s Trust Party In The Park event in London’s Hyde Park on the 4th July, 1999.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkER6qC_hI4 Tacklehttps://www.wordreference.com/enit/tackle To Tackle = affrontareHe tackled the problem of shoplifting* installing CCTV ( telecamere a circuito chiuso)* https://www.wordreference.com/enit/shopliftingShe tackled her husband over his drinking Dogs Tested to See Whether They’d Defend Owner During Home Invasion(2.44)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZ74oFctP_g | When the going gets tough, thetough get going=Quando il gioco si fa duro e i duri cominciano a giocare Karokee: When The Going Gets Tough – Billy Ocean – Lyrics (4.43)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bePgfqQ1tk4 or When The Going Gets Tough – Boyzone (Karaoke Version)(3.40)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWwTPeXBEFM |