Lesson n°2 – 30th of November 2022
English course by Ex Prof. Maurizio Righi
Topic of the lesson: Revision/brush up our previous lesson before going on
Nice to meet you = Piacere di conoscerla | Nice to see you = Che bello vederti |
Secondo me. Used only according to a credible source Eg: according to the Newyork Time/To Sky News.. | I think I believe In my opinion From my prospective From my point of view The way I see is.. |
When the going gets tough, the tough get going= Quando il gioco si fa duro e i duri cominciano a giocare | |
Prendere le difese di qualcuno.. (dire la verità) Argue with: No Need To Argue – The Cranberries (Lyrics)(2.52) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifNLdIgFO8M Clip The Cranberries “No Need to argue”(3.41) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEaxoSMUgXI HOMEWORK: Skylar Grey – Stand By Me (Official)(2.27) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2bcUxUOUQg tumble= cade/rotola crumble= si sbriciola /sgretola shed a tear = Stand by Me | Prince Harry and Meghan Markle exchange vows – The Royal Wedding – BBC (8.16)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZcQhZHr354 That is probably the most beautiful version of Stand by Me I ever heard. | Every time I argue with my parents my sister always backs me upPhrasal Verbs: Back Someone Up (0.32 )https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eTJowJac7M boost = incoraggiamento/supporto https://www.wordreference.com/enit/boost Why have you decided to take side with Tom? (someone) |