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Associazione “no-profit” nata quest’anno grazie all’impegno dell’ EX Prof. Maurizio Righi e di alcuni studenti, diventati “EX” in seguito agli Esami di Stato dei mesi scorsi.

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Lesson 9

23rd January 2024 – Tuesday

English course by Ex Prof. Maurizio Righi – ITCG Niccolini Volterra

Tick the right letter:

Beetles have:

  1. a piercing beak.
  2. chewing mouthparts.


Beetles have not a  piercing beak (becco penetrante)  but  chewing mouthparts (apparato boccale da masticare)

True or False

Beatles have a piercing beak called a rostrum which acts like a hypodermic needle (ago ipodermico) which they use to suck juices from plants or animals


False! Bugs have a piercing beak called a rostrum which acts like a hypodermic needle (ago ipodermico) which they use to suck juices from plants or animals.

Fill in the blanks:

Dick is a nickname for—————,

Will  is a nickname for—————,

Rob or Bob  is a nickname for—————,


Dick is a  nickname for Richard 

Will for William

Rob or Bob for Robert

FAR FARE/ Watch the clip
 I VERBI CAUSATIVI in INGLESE!! make, get, let, have (10.18)


I got James to do the washing upConvincere 
(Persuade someone to do something) 
I made James do the washing upCostringere (force someone to do something) 
A)Let me seeI’ll let you play on the computer if you do your homework. 
B)Let’s go to the cinema
Permesso (Permission/ give permission)     (Suggerimento)
Have – used only formally:I’ll have my secretary send the email = farò mandare la mail dalla mia segretaria.We’ll have the porter bring your bags to the room = Faremo portare le vostre borse alla vostra stanza dal facchino. Someone else is doing something for you

Quando nella forma passiva non dobbiamo specificare chi deve fare l’azione uso indifferentemente in modo informale:

Eg = mi stanno tagliando i capelli.

I’m having my haircut now

I’m getting my haircut now.

Pair work:Fill in the gaps:

Hello! Silver Airways . ————-is Steven speaking. May I help you?I’d like to book two  —————–tickets to Evansville.(Indiana) 
Ok, Sir and what’s your name? Richard Green, I’ll be———— with my wife June.
Ok then. That is Richard Green  and June Green.Yes
Ok, Where will you be flying————?Chicago.(Illinois)  You have flights ———Chicago, don’t you?
Yes, Mr Greene, Chicago is one of our main————–. we have two daily flights————– Chicago and Evansville. The morning flights —————-at 7:15. It is a direct flight but ————-at Rapid City (South Dakota) Do you have no———- flights ?( voli senza scalo)
Yes, we have a non———- flight Chicago – Evansville every afternoon at 16: 25Oh, really would ————–travelling in the morning.Don’t you have any no———– flights in the morning?
No, I’m sorry Sir. Just the one flight with the brief ———in Rapid City and you will not —————-to -change planes.Ok we ‘ll —————-the morning flight Friday June 21st.
Ok, one moment please. Ok Sir we have flight seats———————–. Do you have a seating preference? Yes, I’d like to have a seat on the—————–. My legs are pretty long.
Ok, Sir, I know what you mean. Do you know your ————————date?Is it possible for me to leave my————– date ————?
Yes sir, we cal leave the —————date ————, but the————— portion of the ticket must be used  within 30 days .Ok, that will be no ———————.
Ok, your tickets come to 558 dollars. How would you like to ——————— for them?I’ll have my secretary come —————-them up. She can pay for them,then
Ok, the tickets have to be paid one week before —————or your reservation  will be ———————I’ll —————-my secretary —————this afternoon.
That will be fine. Does she know where our officec are ———————-?Yes, she’s been —————–before.
Ok, then Sir . I have two —————–tickets in the names of Dick and June Greene. The Chicago- Evansville flight. That —————of the ticket is confermed for Friday, June 21st at 7:15.—————is correct.
The return ——————–has been  left open. The total price comes to 558 dollars and we should expect your secretary to ————-the tickets —- at the office this afternoon.  Thanks very much.
Our pleasure sir: I hope you ————–flying with Silver Airways. Good Bye.


Hello! Silver Airways . This is Steven speaking. May I help you?I’d like to book two  round trip tickets to Evansville.(Indiana) 
Ok, Sir and what’s your name? Richard Green, I’ll be travelling with my wife June.
Ok then. That is Richard Green  and June Green.Yes
Ok, Where will you be flying from?Chicago.(Illinois)  You have flights out of Chicago, don’t you?
Yes, Mr Greene, Chicago is one of our main Hubs ( snodi) . we have two daily flights between Chicago and Evansville. The morning flights departs at 7:15. It is a direct flight butstops at Rapid City (South Dakota) Do you have no stop flights ? ( voli senza scalo)
Yes, we have a non stop flight Chicago – Evansville every afternoon at 16: 25Oh, really would prefer travelling in the morning.Don’t you have any no stop flights in the morning?
No, I’m sorry Sir. Just the one flight with the brief stop in Rapid City and you will not have to change planes.Ok we ‘ll take the morning flight Friday June 21st.
Ok, one moment please. Ok sir we have flight seats available. Do you have a seating preference? Yes, I’d like to have a seat on the aisle. My legs are pretty long.
Ok, Sir, I know what you mean. Do you know your returndate?Is it possible for me to leave my return date open?
Yes sir, we cal leave the return date open, but the returnportion of the ticket must be used ( si deve usare) within 30 days .Ok, that will be no problem.
Ok, your tickets come to 558 dollars. How would you like to pay for them?I’ll have my secretary come pick them up. She can pay for them,then.  (Lei provvederà a pagarli)
Ok, the tickets have to be paid one week before departure or your reservation (prenotazione) will be cancelled(annullata) I’ll send my secretary over this afternoon.
That will be fine. Does she know where our officec are located?Yes, she’s been there before.
Ok, then Sir . I have two round –trip tickets in the names of Dick and June greene. The Chicago- Evansville flight. That portion of the ticket is confirmed for Friday, June 21st at 7:15.That is correct.
The return portion has been  left open. The total price comes to 558 dollars and we should expect your secretary to pick  the tickets up at the office this afternoon.  Thanks very much.
Our pleasure Sir: I hope you enjoy flying with Silver Airways. ( A regional company from florida) Good Bye.

Now watch the clip

English Conversation: Making a flight reservation (3.52)

Check your Homework:

Salire a bordo, Board the plane
Arrivi, Arrivals
Prendere l’aeroplano, catch the airplain
Controllare  I bagagli check the  luggage
Assistente di volo flight attendand
Servizio di check in, check in service
Tabellone di partenza, departure Board
Decollare,taking off
Atterraggio morbido, regolaresmooth landing
Ritiro/riconsegna bagagli baggage claim
Carta d’imbarco boarding pass
Pilota  pilot

WANT vs NEED 🤔 | What’s the difference? | Learn with examples ( 2.30)

Refers to something you esire or like Necessary or essential


Sono andato all’aereoporto e sono salito a bordo 
L’aereoporto è pieno di arrivi 
Andai all’aereoporto a prendere l’aereoplano  
Dovetti controllare I bagagli prima di passare I controlli di sicurezza 
L’assistente di volo fu molto gentile e utile/servizievole 
Il servizio di check in all’aereoprto fu molto efficiente 
Devo/ho bisogno di sapere a che ora il mio  volo parte  così controllo il tabellone di partenza 
L’aereo sta decollando  
L’atterraggio fu molto regolare 
Sono andato al ritiro bagagli a prendere la mia valigia 
Devo ( ho bisogno di)  ritirare la carta d’imbarco prima di andare all’areoporto  
Sono un pilota

Now have a look at the solutions:

Sono andato all’aereoporto e sono salito a bordoI went to the airport and Boarded the plane 
L’aereoporto è pieno di arriviThe airport is full of Arrivals
Andai all’aereoporto a prendere l’aereoplano I went to the airport to catch my airplain
Dovetti controllare I bagagli prima di passare I controlli di sicurezzaI had to check my  luggage before I go through  security
L’assistente di volo fu molto gentile e utile/servizievoleThe flight attendand was very kind and helpful
Il servizio di check in all’aereoprto fu molto efficienteThe check in service at the airport was very efficient
Devo/ho bisogno di sapere a che ora il mio  volo parte  così controllo il tabellone di partenzaI need to know what time my flight is departing so I check the departure Board
L’aereo sta decollando The plane is taking off
L’atterraggio fu molto regolareThe landing was very smooth
Sono andato al ritiro bagagli a prendere la mia valigiaI went to the baggage claim to get my suitcase
Devo ( ho bisogno di)  ritirare la carta d’imbarco prima di andare all’areoporto I need to get my boarding pass before I go to the airport
Sono un pilotaI am a pilot

At The Airport. Must have English vocabulary. Words and examples.(4.11)

Now test yourself.

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