Lesson 15

English course by Ex Prof. Maurizio Righi

5th March  2024

Check your Homework: Translate into italian

Bear with me, I have a head cold ( = sinusitis/cold )so it’s hard for me to concentrate on your surgery. 

Listen, I know you told me to finish all my work by 5pm, Timothy, but bear with me as I finish watching my FRIENDS marathon.  

Bear with me for just a second while I verify your credentials. 

You didn’t really see a bear while hiking through the pass, did you?That would be more than I could bear!  

Her grandfather built that house with his bare hands. 

The freshly whitewashed walls looked completely bare without any paintings, photographs, or shelves

 It’s really hard for me to bare my soul like this, but I’ve loved you since the moment I first saw you. 
Pazienza, ho la sinusite/raffreddore, quindi è difficile per me concentrarmi sul tuo intervento. 

Ascolta, so che mi hai detto di finire tutto il mio lavoro entro le 17:00, Timothy, ma abbi pazienza mentre finisco di guardare la maratona dei miei amici. 

Abbi pazienza con me solo per un secondo mentre verifico le tue credenziali.   

Non hai visto un orso mentre camminavi attraverso il passo, vero? 

Sarebbe più di quanto porei sopportare! 

Suo nonno costruì quella casa a mani nude. 

Le pareti appena imbiancate sembravano completamente nude senza alcun dipinto o scaffale. 

È davvero difficile per me scoprire la mia anima in questo modo, ma ti amo dal momento in cui ti ho visto per la prima volta.


Let’s take a look at the weather forecast now and I am delighted to say we have got a new member of our weather team tonight let me hand over (passiamo) to know:

Well it’s an unsettle picture  as we head towards the end of the week uh this afternoon It will be cold wet and windy across most of Scotland where under the influence of uh low pressure and this weather uh pushing northwards is bringing cloud and outbreakes  of rain the rain of course will be heaviest over the borders and around Edinburgh where it could lead to difficult conditions on the roads…uh in the west rain will be lighter and patchier (variegato) there will be maybe a few drier interludes over Dumpries  house (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dumfries_House  and ASH ( frassino) aha there’ll be snow for the higher ground of the Highlands  and Aberdeenshire the potential for a few flares  (chiarori)over Balmoral https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balmoral_Castlewho the hell wrote this script uh and as  afternoon  goes on the best of the drier and brighter weather will of course be over the northern isles in the far North of the mainland so a little hazy ( caliginoso/nebbioso) sunshine for the castle of May https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castle_of_Mey Caithness https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caithness but a cold day everywhere with temperatures of just 8 celsius  and a brisk northeasterly wind Thank God it isn’t a Bank Holiday https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bank_holiday 


Fill in the Blanks listenig to:

Prince Charles presents the weather forecast – BBC Scotland (1.14)

NB: withouth watching, just listen!

Let’s take a look at the weather forecast now and I am delighted to say we have got a new member of our weather team tonight let me ——————————-to know:

 Well it’s an——————- picture  as we head towards the end of the week uh this afternoon It will be ————wet and ————–across most of Scotland where under the influence of uh ———-pressure and this weather uhpushing northwards is bringing ———- and outbreakes  of rain the rain of course will be heaviest over the —————-and around Edinburgh where it could lead to difficult conditions on the roads…uh in the west ————–will be lighter and patchier there will be maybe a few drier ————over Dumpries  house and ASH aha there’ll be ———for the higher ground of the Highlands  and Aberdeenshire the potential for a few ————-over Balmoral who the hell wrote this script uh and as  afternoon  goes on the best of the drier and —————weather will of course be over the northern isles in the far North of the mainland so a little —————–sunshine for the castle of May  Caithness but a ————day everywhere with temperatures of just 8 celsius  and a————— northeasterly wind thank God it isn’t a Bank Holiday   
No rest for bleary (=confuso/annebbiato)Chi dorme non piglia pesci

Who sleeps doesn’t catch fish

No rest for bleary

https://www.wordreference.com/enit/bleary  confuso, annebbiato 

https://www.wordreference.com/enit/blurry  annebbiato, offuscato

Bleary Meaning and Example Sentences (1.13)