Lesson 11

English course by Ex Prof. Maurizio Righi – ITCG Niccolini Volterra

7th February 2024

Ring A Ring A Roses | Sing A Long | Nursery Rhyme | KiddieOK (1.30)

Ring a ring of roses, a pocketfull of posies, atishoo, atishoo, all fall down (1.41)

The sneezing and falling down in modern English versions dates back to the Great Plague. A rosy rash (eruzione, sfogo cutaneo) was a symptom of the plague, and posies of herbs were carried as protection and to ward off (allontanare, tenere lontano) the smell of the disease. Gli starnuti e le cadute nelle versioni inglesi moderne risalgono alla Grande Peste. Un’eruzione cutanea rosea era un sintomo della peste e si portavano mazzi di erbe come protezione e per allontanare l’odore della malattia. 

Sixes and seven: and Sono in uno stato confusionale/tramortito/stordito/va tutto a rotoli
Today I don’t feel very well I ‘m at sixes and sevenOggi non mi sento molto bene sono a rotoli/esausto
Everything is at sixes and seven in this room!   É tutto sottosopra in questa stanza 

Sixes and seven:

English idiom : At sixes and sevens | Meaning with animated scenes (1.19)What does the saying sixes and sevens mean?If you say that someone or something is at sixes and sevens, you mean that they are confused or disorganized. [informal]  



TO BE IN COMPLETE  DISARRAY  —————(DISORDINE/CAOS) https://www.wordreference.com/enit/disarray

STATE OF CONFUSION OR BEWILDERMENT    ——What is the meaning of the word BEWILDERMENT?(0.38)
 https://www.wordreference.com/enit/bewilderment  confusion/disorientamento/ disorganizzazione .



Esercizio di ascolto INGLESE! DETTATO in ✈️AEROPORTO! Riesci a capire? (20.13)

At The airport: Situation n2:Passport control from  9.13 to  13.52  


1)Translate into italian:

Trying to cram for* this math test has me all at sixes and sevens

We’ve been at sixes and sevens in the office this week.

I don’t want to be at sixes and sevenswith you.

Without the main character the show  would have been at sixties and sevens

After that failure everyone has been left at .sixes and sevens

After the president’ s  announcement, we were all left at sixes and sevens

The flood had destroyed all the road signs, leaving drivers and commuters at sixes and sevens

The government is at sixes and sevensover the issue of domestic security. 

Note: *cram for (sgobbare..)


2) Look at the sentences above . Which letter is more approfriate for each sentence?A,B,C, or D?

Eg: 1 A,