Lesson 5 – 21st of December 2022
Describe this Photo:

Angela: That’s Volterra our home town, we can see the cathedral, the baptistery, the steeple of the cathedral, the town hall, Porta all’Arco and the medieval city walls, Father Christmas in the sky: in a sleigh (slitta) pulled by reindeer (renne)
Describe this Photo:

I see a cat with a bone and a dog with a fish.
The cat is hiding the bone while the cat is hiding a fish.
Being Christmas time a day of peace I think they are exchanging gifts…
They are surprise gifts!
Ed Sheeran & Elton John – Merry Christmas [Official Video] (3.29)
We Wish You a Merry Christmas ( Lyrics ) – Noel (1.41)
The Christmas Broadcast, 1957 (7.26)
The Blue Gospel Singers – You Come Down from the Stars of Heavens – 50’s Vintage Cover – (4.34)
1. You come down from the stars, Oh, King of Heavens,
And You come in a cave (grotta) in the cold, in the frost. (2 v.)
Oh, my Divine Baby
I see you trembling here,
Oh, Blessed God
Ah, how much it costs You, your loving me. (2 v.)………..
2. For You, who is the Creator of the world,
No clothes and fire, oh my Lord. (2 v.)
Dear chosen one, little baby,
This dire poverty,
Makes me love You more,
Since Love made You more poor. (2 v.)
3. You leave the beautiful glory of the divine bosom,
To come suffer on a little hay. (2 v.)
Sweet love of my heart,
Where did love carry You?
O my Jesus.
Why do You suffer so much? Because You love me. (2 v.)
4. But if your suffering was Your will,
Why, afterwards do You wish to weep? Why are You crying?
My Jesus, I understand you, yes!
Ah, my Lord!
You are weeping not because of pain, but because of love. (2 v.)
5. You are crying because You see me ungrateful,
Whence such great love, so little beloved!25
Oh, beloved of my breast,
If previously it was this way,
Now I love only You.
Dear, don’t cry anymore, since I love You, and I love You.(2 v.)
6. You sleep, my child, but meanwhile the heart
Is not sleeping, but is always awake.
Ah, my beautiful and pure lamb,
What are You thinking of? Tell me.
Oh, immense love!
“I think one day I’ll die for you,” You reply. (2 v.)
7. So You are thinking of dying for me, my God:
Who else, besides you, can I love?
Oh Mary, my hope,
If I love your Jesus so little,
Don’t be outraged.
Love Him for me, if I am not able to love Him! (2 v.)
Brush up before going on:

English Tutor Nick P Proverbs (110) Once Bitten Twice Shy (2.10)
This proverb is said to describe someone who doesn’t want to do something a second time because they had a very bad experience the first time.
Listen and read:

Once Bitten Twice Shy | English Stories | Awabe (1.44)
Read while listening:

A Christmas Carol Fairy Tales and Bedtime Stories for Kids in English (11.11)
grumpy- scontroso/irritabile